Pierre Cartier, contrebasse (Montréal)
Pierre Cartier is a double bass player as well as a composer and a singer.
His music is the convergence of the multiple approaches he has pursued since the very start of his career. In continuity with his specialisation in baroque music on original instruments, his desire is to play music as one speaks ones mother tongue, that is, with freedom, fluidity and intelligence, passing from symphonic music to baroque and contemporary music, and from the jazz of Thelonious Monk to the fertile grounds of free improvisation. In the end, however, this fluidity is at its most organic in vocal music, when voice and text mobilise both the spirit and the heart.
Pierre Cartier is a member of the Studio of Musique Ancienne de Montréal, the current music group Jean Derome and the Dangereux Zhoms, the Evidence group (Thelonious Monk music), the Schola St-Grégoire, the Strauss-Lanner ensemble, and several others.